Thursday, July 23, 2020

School Closed

2020 has been a difficult year and I'm forced to make a difficult decision. While the variable costs have been reduced, the fixed costs of running my flight school have gone up dramatically.  Notably, Insurance costs:
From: Aviation Insurance Resources (Orlando FL) 
Global Aerospace:  Pleasure Use:  $1801
Acceleration Aviation:  Rental & Instruction:  $5625 
I got numerous quotes from a variety of brokers but all show substantial increases over previous years.

With COVID still running strong in Florida I can't afford to take the risk of starting new students. There are certain jurisdictions that may fine the flight school for not enforcing masks. I can't afford someone launching a lawsuit stating that the flight school was negligent in their protocols and procedures.

Today I notified my students that the school will not reopen.

We had a good run.


  1. Understandable. Margins are tight to begin with and high insurance is crushing.
    When you have the risk that Covid presents on a lot of different levels i can see why getting out of the game makes sense for you and your family.
    I hope all goes well for you on your next adventure.
