Friday, May 4, 2018

Turf - Airport Manatee


•REVIEW LESSON ITEMS: Obtaining a weather briefing; planning a cross-country flight; preparing a flight log; airspace review; pilotage; dead reckoning; emergency procedures; lost procedures; communication procedures.
•NEW LESSON ITEMS: GPS/Radio Navigation; Diversions; Short/Soft field takeoffs and landings; FSS/Flight Watch; Flight Following.
•COMPLETION STANDARDS: The lesson will have been successfully completed when the student: can successfully plan and fly a cross country flight using pilotage, ded reckoning, and GPS/Radio Navigation; recognizes the need for, and makes timely course corrections; recognizes deteriorating weather, and/or weather forecasts not holding true; demonstrates awareness of the need for timely diversions if necessary; demonstrates awareness of proper emergency procedures, to include a landing after a simulated engine failure; demonstrates proper lost procedures; demonstrates short and soft field take off and landings; demonstrates knowledge of how to contact FSS/Flight Watch; demonstrates how to obtain flight following; uses appropriate radio communication techniques.

What did we Accomplish?

  1. Review sectional chart. Review soft field/short field takeoff procedures.
  2. Discuss cross-country planning.
  3. Preflight airplane.
  4. Ground procedures, taxi, run-up, discuss CHT and cooling options, takeoff and departure procedures.
  5. Use of checklists.
  6. Ground reference navigation.
  7. GPS setup and Direct To procedures. Using the GPS as a database for airport information. Tuning radio while flying airplane in light turbulence.
  8. Entry procedures.
  9. Set up at an airport without customary ground reference markings.
  10. Landing on grass.
  11. Soft field takeoff technique.
  12. Discuss stabilized approach and use of "Go Around".
  13. Departure, checklists, and navigation.
  14. Demonstration and use of the autopilot. Discussion of modes, use of heading bug. Use of altitude bug. Annunciations.
  15. Entry options at home field.
  16. Short field takeoff technique.
  17. No flap landing.
  18. Return to hangar, postflight, debrief.
It was a beautiful day to fly. We took off before the summer heat started to rise and the afternoon cumulous clouds had formed. But the air was bumpy. We wanted to stay low, below the 1200' shelf of the Tampa Class B, so we put up with the ground convection of the rising warm air. It gave Bruce a challenge tuning the radios. Sally was busy squawking "Obstacle" as we flew past the dozen cell phone towers along the route.

I love landing on grass. 48x sits on the southeastern edge of Tampa Bay and I enjoyed looking at the Sunshine Skyway bridge as we made our turns in the pattern. We took our time and enjoyed the day.

When you're lined up with the runway, you want to smoothly add full power, as well as back pressure on the yoke (many airplanes suggest full back pressure initially, but again, it depends on your plane). This does two things: 1) it reduces the weight on your nosewheel, and the stress it receives from the soft/rough field, and 2) it allows you to lift off as soon as possible. 
During the takeoff roll, your nose wheel will lift of first. As it comes off the ground, you want to start reducing back pressure slightly on the yoke to prevent your plane from lifting off too aggressively. As you slowly reduce back-pressure, you want to try to maintain the same nose-high attitude throughout the takeoff roll, and let the airplane fly itself off the runway.
 As you lift off the runway, you need to keep in mind one very important thing:
Ground Effect.

The trip home was uneventful.

Video Notes: Softy

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