Tuesday morning Sally and I took off from KVDF about 8:00am EST enroute to our first fuel stop at KBGE. (214 NM). The weather was MVFR with ragged ceilings at 2500' and winds on the nose at 10kts. We found a hole near KBKV and got Flight Following while VFR Over The Top through most of Florida. I elected to stay "Feet Dry" passing Withlacoochee Bay until I reached the pan handle of Florida. When I checked in with Tallahassee Approach the undercast thinned out so I could see land again. Relief for a VFR pilot. I've never been to Decatur County Industrial Airpark before. So as I descended at 10 miles I got confused by what appeared to be crossing runways surrounded by some very tall radio towers. GPS said I was still a few miles south, so I climbed back up to see this huge runway out in front of me. A former military base, I landed well before the first turnoff. It was a good fuel stop.
We left KBGE by 11:00am EST under clear sky enoute to KMSL (271 NM), a little long for me, but definitely within range for the PiperSport. Weather was good. I checked in on the CTAF and heard a Columba check in at 10 miles on an ILS final, so I deferred to him. As I reached abeam I spotted him still at about 3 miles out. I called #2 and extended my downwind. He called for a Touch and Go so I adjusted my pattern accordingly. I was deep so held my altitude as I slowed down to drop flaps, turned base and waited. Turned final and waited. I watched him roll to the end of the runway and was glad I had given him some extra interval. I began my descent on final, made the call still #2 waiting for him to clear.Waited still. Into the roundout I added some power to hold Sally off the runway. At midfield we went around. After I made the call the Columbia came back with a terse "Cooling the turbo". ummm. OK, I fly because it's fun. Going around just gives a little bit more time in the air. Still...?
We left KMSL under an overcast at 8500' enroute to KMVN (223 NM). The weather guesser said I should easily get under the clouds and to expect VFR conditions for the leg. About halfway there we entered some rain showers. Sirius XM showed a line from west to east of light green surrounding some dark green with a few splotches of yellow in the middle. Memphis Center said to expect some "moderate showers" in about 15 miles. I was nervous and prepared to do a 180. I checked the OAT and the wings for possible icing. Nope all clear. I adjusted course to the west to stay clear of the worst of it, and saw the yellow patches dissipate as I traveled north. We broke out just over the river, exactly were the display said we would. GREAT technology. It started getting cold. I pulled my hood over my headset and found some gloves to wear. Cold and tired, we tied down for the night here. It was a good stay. (Crew car and a new hotel with an airport discount.)
I went out to preflight about 8:00am CST Wednesday morning. Cold breeze was blowing but the sun was shining. I should have had my winter baffle to cover the oil cooler. KMVN to KBUU (263 NM) would take us through the Chicago Class B. Not a problem with the Garmin 696 GPS. As we approached the airspace we were given permission to enter which cut a few minutes off the trip. It was cold. We were now under an overcast so were deprived any solar heating. The heater (if you call it that) was useless. By the time I landed I was shivering and ready for a hot cup of coffee.
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Approaching the Gulf of Mexico |
I left KMVN enroute to KAUO (381 NM). This leg would be a stretch for me. The weather was good and I was becoming more comfortable with the systems. I was directed around an active MOA by Fort Campbell Approach and was way ahead by easily seeing the restricted area and being able to use the autopilot to maneuver clear. A great system! As I turned the corner I had a pleasant surprise, an actual tailwind. I set 5350RPM at 5,500', and got a fuel burn of 5.9gph, 118TAS and 140KTS over the ground! I spent the night and slept very well. (The Italian Restaurant next to the Hilton Garden Inn is great.) BTW the staff at the airport is nearly all students and you couldn't meet a nicer group of people. This was a great stop.
I left KAUO for KVDF (319 NM) by 9:00am CST Friday. By this time the airplane and I are good friends. I settled in and enjoyed the flight. It was good to be back in the warm sunny climate of Florida.